Monday, March 15, 2010

some worth reading urdu columns

Saleeebi Jang, War on terror/War against ISLAM .. WHY?

Pakistan ki Munafiq Qoom

Allah Is Making Fun Of Them

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Democracy comes from a Greek work Demo means People and Cracy means Judgment, legislation. So democracy means People's Judgment or People's legislation which is shirk only ALLAH has the right to legislate

And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, then they are the disbelievers
Quran al-Maa’idah: 44

Democracy can also be define as a system in which there is the rule of people, for the people, by the people. The basis of democratic system is that people possess the right of sovereignty, choice and implementation.
This system is totally opposite to Islam because as a muslim we believe that Islam is a Deen means it’s a complete system. Allah has given us laws which we have to implement as His subordinate on our personal lives and on state and in our homes as well.We are not law makers we are only law implementers .

The decision is only for Allah
Quran 6 57

It’s the worst shirk of this modern times we have tried to imprison ALLAH in mosques and we have told God that we will worship You in mosques and in our homes but you don’t have to do anything with our system. We know our economic system, political system, judicial system better than You. We know better how we have to punish thieves, fornicators, rebels and other criminals. We know more finance than You. You make Riba Haram and business halal but we know business cannot be done with out riba. So We are imprisoning You in mosques. This is worst kind of Shirk and it is the LAAT and MANAT of this time.
If you think Islam laws are barbaric, unimplementable, out dated then you should leave Islam calling yourself muslim and still not believing in Islam .Hypocrites are worst criminals than Kaffirs.

Have you not seen those (hypocrites) who claim to believe in that which has been revealed to you, and that which was revealed before you, and They wish to refer legislation to Taghut, while they were commanded to reject it; and Satan wishes to lead them far astray
Quran An-Nisaa: 60

So in short legislation of ALLAH and legislation of people cannot be equal. In fact wise mans of whole world unite together they cannot make laws because this is something beyond human intellect. If women will make rules such rules might not be liked by man because women don't know about the exact nature of man if man will make rules his ruling will never satisfy women. It is only God who knows our exact nature that's why He gave us clearl LAWS in Quran which should be implemented in this world to make it a peaceful place. Ruling by Quran is the only solution of the problem and anarchy of this whole world. When capitalists tried to make laws there laws are only good for themselves and were very unjust to labors. Similarly when socialist, low class people tried to make laws they too were totally illogical and were totally unjustified too because this thing is actually above human minds limit.

Most people think that just VOTING is democracy which is not case.Voting can be done under democracy under theocracy and under khalafat as well but there can be difference in types of voting.

Those who say Islam believes in democracy such people don't know what democracy means and whats its definition is..some years back famous slogan in islamic countries was Islamic Socialism but this all was jahalat and is jahalat.If u change the definition of democracy and then say See it is Islamic.. if it is islamic then it cannot be called as democracy. Islamic democracy is misnomer! ISLAM is neither theocracy nor Democracy but If someone says that voting is Islam and current election is Islamic there can be debate and discussion on it.
It is basically our slave mentality such slaves were proving some years back Islamic socialism and islamic communism now they r proving islamic democracy

Aghyaar Kay Afkaar o Takhyul ki gadaai
Kia Tujh Ko nahi apni KHUDI tak b rasaii

Why Muslim don't have even their own Ideas ??We don't have our own ideas we can adopt only imported, western ideas by calling them ISLAMIC. Our so called philosophers and intellectuals adopt these things. Some years back they were writing in favor of communism and now they are with democracy. They just worship idols of their times. Shirk and Kuffar always come with new face .Only free minds can see it.

Jamoriyat Aik Tarz hukumat ha kay jis main
Bandoon ko Gina kartay hain toola nahi kartay

Now see this current election system. It is the decision of crowd not a wise man decision.

So be not in doubt about it. Indeed, it is the truth from your Lord, but most of the people do not believe
Quran 11 17

They recognize the favor of Allah; then they deny it. And most of them are disbelievers.
Quran:16. 83

Most of them do not reason.
Quran 5 103

Majority is always ignorant time and history always prove it.
Take current example a person like jamshaid dasti won elections and got huge votes. Everyone was aware of that he is fraud , his degree was fake , Judge asked him in court which is the 2nd surah name he said al- imran , he further said he read tafsir of “moosa”. Such open jahil whose jahalat was open infront of all can won easily because of this failed system.

Suppose if the same system had been implemented in Makah than Nabi(s.a.w) would have gotten only 313 votes and Abu Jahal have gotten more than 900 votes and in that case Abu jahal would have been succeeded. Under this fail system only “ Jahal/ignorance” can win.

we are leaders of mankind but we have forget out status and our value Allah punish us because we claim that we claim that we believe that’s why Allah ask us again and again your are claiming you believe but you don’t. We will remain in this punishment unless we will change ourselves.

You are the best community raised for the good of mankind. You enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong, and you believe in God."
Quran 3:110

Thus We have made you a middle community, so that you be witnesses for mankind as the Messenger is a witness for you."
Quran 2:143

Muslims are the leaders of the world why because we have the best BOOK and best example to follow but its very unfortunate and height of slavery that today we have made and accept west as our leaders and we have start considering them best people and best nation....