Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ruling by the laws of Allah

Democracy can be define as a system in which there is the rule of people, for the people, by the people. The basis of democratic system is that people possess the right of sovereignty, choice and implementation.

While in Islam decision is only for ALLAH..

The decision is only for Allah
Quran 6 57

ALLAH is the only law-maker,legislator.
Allah has given us laws which we have to implement as His subordinate on our personal lives and on state and in our homes as well.
Consensus,Counting, Majority is secondary thing which comes when we have to decide about things about which we don't find primary laws in Quran o sunnah.


USA asked Pakistan.. Help us against muslims of afganistan or fight us..
Shariah law gave only option i.e Fight them because helping kafirs against muslim is kufar

If pakistan decided based on our consensus , majority,counting that help kaffirs than such consensus is also kuffar but yes we can do consensus that how we can fight them or how to avoid fight.. but helping them is not an option

One of the core difference between Islam and other religions is that Islam is complete Socio-Economic Political system plus islam gives religion part too like Ibadaat Namaz Rooza Hajj etc .When we reject islamic social economic system and follow other systems it will be equivalent to rejecting Namaz,rooza and hajj and start praying in ways of jews ,christians and hindus.

Quran 5 44
And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, then they are the disbelievers
Quran 5 45
And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.
Quran 5 47
And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the defiantly disobedient.

It’s the worst shirk of this modern times we have tried to imprison ALLAH in mosques and we have told God that we will worship You in mosques and in our homes but you don’t have to do anything with our system. We know our economic system, political system, judicial system better than You. We know better how we have to punish thieves, fornicators, rebels and other criminals. We know more finance than You. You make Riba Haram and business halal but we know business cannot be done with out riba. So We are imprisoning You in mosques. This is worst kind of Shirk and it is the LAAT and MANAT of this time.
If you think Islam laws are barbaric, unimplementable, out dated then you should leave Islam calling yourself muslim and still not believing in Islam is of no use.Hypocrites are worst criminals than Kuffars.

Have you not seen those (hypocrites) who claim to believe in that which has been revealed to you, and that which was revealed before you, and They wish to refer legislation to Taghut, while they were commanded to reject it; and Satan wishes to lead them far astray
Quran An-Nisaa: 60

So in short legislation of ALLAH and legislation of people cannot be equal. In fact wise mans of whole world unite together they cannot make laws because this is something beyond human intellect. If women will make rules such rules might not be liked by man because women don't know about the exact nature of man if man will make rules his ruling will never satisfy women. It is only God who knows our exact nature that's why He gave us clear LAWS in Quran which should be implemented in this world to make it a peaceful place. Ruling by Quran is the only solution of the problem and anarchy of this whole world. When capitalists tried to make laws there laws are only good for themselves good for only specific class of people and were very unjust to labors. Similarly when socialist tried to make laws they too were unnatural and were good only for one class of people and were unjust to others.

Then is it the judgement of ignorance they desire? But who is better than Allah in judgement for a people who are certain [in faith]
Quran 5 50

Ruling by the Laws of Allah:

Basis of Islam's ruling :

Quran 4 58
Surely, Allah commands you to entrust the belongings to those who are worthy of them; and when you judge matters among people, give judgment with justice. What an excellent advice Allah gives you! Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

Islam basic principle for selecting ruler is who is worthy of it . Don't make someone your ruler by just counting like fools instead use reason.Ruler should be some one morally upright person not some known loose character person like Zardari,Nawaz or Imran etc

2):Quran 4 59

O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result

  • obey Allah and obey the Messenger
When you select/elect ruler then top most responsibility of your elected ruler is
i.e He should be Rule by the Laws of Allah which He has given in Quran and which Messenger of Allah s.a.w has explained us.
So the primary
source of law is Quran O hadith

  • obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you

then Allah is advising whole ummah when rulers fullfil above condition then its fard for you to obey rulers and rejecting them fighting against them is no less then kuffar. Such rulers are sub ordinates of Allah obeying them is basicaly obeying laws of Allah is actually obeying Allah. This is how you are liberated from the slavery of man and come in slavery of Allah

If a slave is appointed over you and he conducts your affairs according to the Book of Allah, you should listen to him and obey (his orders).

Sahih Muslim

What should be the muslims attitude towards Laws of Allah:

1:) Quran 4 68

Say: "O People of the Book! ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord."
and that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people

until unless we establish the laws of the book of Allah we as a ummah stands no where. Muslims are in big majority they occupy many resources but still such big community is living worst slavery.
Such big community don't have liberty at this level than even their masters told them what they have to taught in schools what they have to show on TVs. because we are ground less.

2:)Quran 3 18

Allah bears witness that there is no god but He, and (so do) the angels and those possessed of knowledge, maintaining His creation with justice; there is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise.

Quran 4 135

O ye who believe! BE U STAUNCH IN JUSTICE ,WITNESS FOR ALLAH, even though it be against yourselves or (your) parents or (your) kindred, whether (the case be of) a rich man or a poor man, for Allah is nearer unto both (them ye are). So follow not passion lest ye lapse (from truth) and if ye lapse or fall away, then lo! Allah is ever Informed of what ye do

What is this witness we have to give for Allah i.e His laws ,His system .
As an individual as a party We have to give WITNESS we have to accept openly with out any fear and with out any doubt in heart that that there are only LAWS of ALLAH which can provide justice.
Even If any ruling of Allah is going against our ownself we have to accept/give witness that it is just even it is against me or my family .

Hypocrite Rulers and their followers:

Then in very next ayat Allah is talking about rulers who are rejecting the laws of Allah and people who are following them . Today most rulers infact all are like this

Quran 4 60

Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you?
( muslims are the one's who claim to believe in Quran and on all revelation as well which revealed before)
They wish to refer legislation to Taghut(West/USA/Democracy), while they were commanded to reject it; and Satan wishes to lead them far astray.

Quran 4 61

And when it is said to them, "Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger," you see the hypocrites turning away from you in aversion.

When you will said to Zardari Nawaz or saudi kings or their followers come to the laws of Allah reject democracy reject kingdom do legislation according to the book of Allah or join some party which is struggling for the laws of Allah then these hypocrites turn away with version/disgust. (bura maun bana laitay hain)

Why these hypocrites follow taghoot:

Quran Nisa 139

Those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek with them honor [through power]? But indeed, honor belongs to Allah entirely.

Kings/Generals/Political parties head go to USA for Power and Power is honor..
Fake scholars go to rulers for honor.. "Sir mehrbani ho gi kisi bari masjid ka imam bharthi karva daain ap k hath mi tu sab kuch ha"

They forget that indeed, honor belongs to Allah entirely.

Only Way of Savior :

Hope in Allah and ask forgiveness from Allah. What is matter with us we have no hope in Allah, His system .. Our all hopes lies in taghoot

Quran 71 10-13
Saying `Ask forgiveness from your Lord; for He is Oft-Forgiving; "`He will send rain to you in abundance;
`Give you increase in wealth and sons; and bestow on you Gardens and bestow on you rivers (of flowing water).
What is the matter with you, that ye place not your hope for kindness and long-suffering in Allah―
Seeing that it is He that has created you in diverse stages?

And the way of forgiveness is

Quran:5 66

And if only they upheld/established/implemented [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to them from their Lord, (Quran)
they would have consumed [provision] from above them and from beneath their feet.
( Un k aupar se Rizq barasta aur neechay se ubalta)
Among them are a moderate community, but many of them - evil is that which they do

If we would have implement the Laws of Book of Allah , Allah would have bless us from above and beneath . Its the only way of our savior. We all need to give witness that we trust Allah's system and we put all our hope in Allah then Inshallah Allah will change our condition when we sincerely change our system /our-self

Monday, June 20, 2011

4 school of thoughts/ Ahle-Hadith

4 school of thoughts:

Aim of this article to explain things very simply so that people can understand what basically is school of thoughts. Some people/ some sects like Ahle hadith , jamat e muslamen and some other sects have did so much propaganda against 4 school of thoughts and people have started thinking that these school of thoughts are useless thing and are the root of all evils.

What basically 4 school of though is :

These Scholars basically compiled Islamic laws based on Ahadith, Sunnah and Quran.They did great research in reading ,understanding and analyzing Quran o hadith Sunnah. So that they can compile rulings for everyone.

Like Fard Sunnah Nafl Wajib , Mubah , Haram , Makrooh . Ahadith don’t give list of these things. Based on deep understanding of ahadith and Sunnah Scholars extract rulings and such opinion/extraction of scholars is called School of thought/Opinion of Scholars and obviously all people don't think / understand/ analyze in same way so difference is natural . Even sahabas have difference of opinion.

Some Examples which will help in understanding

Take an example of Aesaal e Sawab :

Imam Shafai opinion of this matter is . There is no aesaal e sawab
And he quotes this ayat

Quran 6 164

And every soul earns not [blame] except against itself, and no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another.

"When a man dies, accrual of merit in his favor from good deeds ceases except from three actions:
1. A charity which continues after his death;
2. Knowledge left behind from which men continue to benefit, and
3. Righteous offspring who pray for him."

(Muslim 4005)

He said Quran is clear about it you cannot give on behalf of others
(this was Imam shafai understanding of Quran o Sunnah)

Imam Ahmed says

No you can do aesaal e sawab He quotes

A man came to the Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him) and said, "O Allah's Apostle! My mother died and she ought to have fasted one month (for her missed Ramadan). Shall I fast on her behalf?" The Prophet replied in the affirmative and said, "Allah's debts have more right to be paid." In another narration a woman is reported to have said, "My sister died

and many other such ahadiths
(this is Hanbal's opinion , Opnions doesnt mean he is ordering something from his own , or he sees something in dream and he start preaching it)
Both opinions are present in Sahih ahadith.

If I will say am more convinced with Imam Shafai's opinion. Then here I can soundly say that on this issue I follow Imam shafai school of thought/his opinion/his logic.

(but if two arrogants will meet they will say that i follow this because i read this in quran you all others are Quran rejector and Imam Ahmad follower will say the same thing to other that you are hadith rejector) (it will result in fitna) though both have proofs but one group show only one side of picture to his sect people like other group don't have any authentic proof.

See another example

Muslim (2024, 2025) narrated from Anas and Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade drinking whilst standing.

Al-Bukhaari (5615) narrated from ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) that he drank whilst standing then he said: Some people say it is makrooh for one of you to drink whilst standing, but I saw the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) doing what you have seen me do.

Now see these ahadith. Scholars also try to understand this Issue.
One said follow order of nabi(s.a.w) not what nabi(s.a.w) did . He said drinking while standing is Haram.
Other said but we have seen that Nabi(s.a.w) too drank while standing So it is Makrook(disliked) but not haram.These were their opinions and such difference is natural All people cannot think in same way and honestly they tried to find the Hukam Allah will give them Ajar and Inshallah both opinions won't b rejected.

These were just example to explain the reality of opinion of Imams which is basically analysis of imams of Quran o Sunnah

Following Imams – and Ahle Hadith propoganda

The person who started this Firka seems very very literal who doesn’t try to understand things deeply. he didn’t try to understand Fiqh.
He himself assumes that whole shirk , bidats are because of following Imams and that assumption was totally bogus.

Now when Ahle hadith talks about following Imams they talk about it in a way like following imam is something like LAAT MANAT .. or
like imams followers suggest that
Indeed excellent is the example of Abu hanifa to follow.
and like Imams were teaching their own religion at their own

Quran 33 21

There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often.

Indeed which is not the case as by reading above example you might have understand that school of though don’t have to do anything with ASWA E HASANA/ orders of Imams .It is basically their opinions/ understanding of Quran o hadith
No one is interested to know how Imams used to eat sit stand etc

Basically this firka was started as a revived movement against bidat instead of targeting the real issue they introduce new debate of rejecting and accepting school of thoughts.They indulge themselves in wrong issue.

If you see logically in reality no one can directly be ahle hadith
Like if I will ask you about finding ruling on drinking water or if I will ask u 4,5 more such issue.. if you will directly start looking into Quran o hadith . it will take ur full life to find the answer of these things extracting hukam is not easy.Hadayat is open but extracting hukan is difficult thing.
What actually happened is that people direcly go to Fiqh book( Ibn taymiya usually) and will find Hukam from that book and will pick their proof(hadith) and will start jumping that i am ahle hadith and will start rejecting the person from whose book they got the proofs who compiled proofs for them.

In short means Ahle hadith is nothing but illogical kind of school of thought. its logical name can be Ibn Taymiya school of thought and he was great scholar too and his opinions carry weight.

Real Issues

E.g in issue of esaal e sawab or drinking water some people will start never ending debate that this hadith other will start saying that I have read quran found that ayat your aqeeda is against quran u r quran rejector and kaffir .
This will lead to nothingelse but fitna .
But if we will say that on that issue I prefer Imam Shafai’s opnion and logic other will say that I will go for hanbal’s logic. Issue will be resolved and wouldn’t lead to harted and never ending time wasting debate because both opinions have place and proofs.

Most Important Thing/ Bidat / Shirkia Aqaids

Firka Ahle Hadith was not started for any wrong purpose but they did mistake in understanding real issue, they were unable to addres the real reason of bidats and shirkiya Aqaidas which don’t have to do anything with Schools of thoughts.

Now if some is dancing on Mazaars and claiming that he is following Abu Hanifa or Shafai school of thought. Instead of start doing propaganda against school of thoughts ask him where Abu Hanifa told you to dance on mazars?
Following Ahmad Raza’s and Tahir Qadri shirkia aqaid don’t have to do anything with Abu Hanifa.
Abu Hanifa is not mujrim he was great scholar and he tried to make things easier of us rather Ahmed Raza and tahir qadri is mujrim. We have to target the real mujrims rather imams.When people start targeting imams/ school of thoughts these real mujrims started hiding themselves behind the veils of imams.

What most happen is all bidaties usually use fake ahadiths/fake interpretations but that doesn’t mean your will start saying that don’t follow ahadith.
Ask them to prove that Abu Hanifa interpret that hadith this or not? Or Ahmed Raza interpret like this?
Ask them is this the opinion of ashraf ali thanvi or of any imam?

Another problem is that people start giving superiority of one school of though on other like saying that Abu Hanifa is Imam Azam other imams were nothing . This is totally ridiculous.

And at last sticking to opinion of any single Imam on every matter is not necessary neither needed nor compulsory.

This thread is for Aqiloon and for those who don't have asbiyat of any Sect
and the most dangerous things is any kind of Asbiyat

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Surah Kahf and One Eyed Dajjal

Ever wondered why Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said recition of Surat Al-Kahf can save you from Dajjal?

The Prophet (s.a.w) commanded us to recite the opening verses of Soorat al-Kahf against Dajjaal. Some reports mention the last verses of this surah.
This means reciting the first ten verses or the last ten
Sahih Muslim

And one (or some) hadith mention about reciting whole Surah Kahf.

Allah is not one-eyed, but the false messiah (Dajjal) is one-eyed, blind or defective in his right eye

Has dajjal come?
What is meant by ONE EYED Dajjal?
What’s his agenda?
If he has come, are we all following Dajjal?
How we can save ourself?

Answer of all these questions can surely be found in Surah Kahf. These answers will surely be available like an open secret in Surah Kahf as Quran is the book of guidance till Qayama. Quran opens its secrets with the passage of time and for those people who want guidance from Quran (Allah).

When we will try to see first ten verses and then the last ten verses we will find that it is talking about TWO EYES.

Quran Kahf 6
Verily! We have made that which is on earth as an adornment for it, in order that We may test them (mankind) as to which of them are best in deeds Verily what is on earth We shall make but as dust and dry soil.

This ayat is suggesting or warning us to open our internal eye and see with our two eyes ( Material Eye and Eye of heart). If you close your internal eye you will consider everything this world and will ready to sacrifice morals , values , emaan and everything for this world and that is the religion of Dajjal he will be blind from his internal eye and will take world through godlessness.His internal eye which reminds of God will be blind

And in last ten verses we will find

QuranKahf 100
(Unbelievers) whose eyes had been under a veil from Remembrance of Me, and who had been unable even to hear
(Unbelievers) whose eyes had been blind from Remembrance of Me, and who had been unable even to hear.

This ayat is talking about blind EYE. Those whose internal eye (emaan , spirtuality , remembrance of Allah is close) such people will be the one who will follow Dajjal.

Dil e Beena bhe kar khuda se talab
Ankh ka noor Dil ka noor nahi

Some Example

What is democracy and secularism?
If u see with one eye ‘Govt of the people by the people for the people’ then you will consider that religion has nothing to do with social, economic and political issues. We follow the religion of humanity.
But considering that all religions should be equal is not possible unless religion should put aside

but if you see it with both eyes u will realize that it is a big shirk. God is totally out from it .We have become everything, we have become sovereign (god).
Riba war with God (Prohibited in every scripture) has become OK for us
What is happening in the name of women rights institution of family has almost finished.

Some four stories are mentioned in Surah Kahf
Now we will try to understand the moral of the stories mentioned in Surah Kahf

1) The People Of The Cave
2) The Owner Of Two Gardens
3) Musa(AS) and Khidr(AS)
4) Dhul-Qarnayn

2) The Owner Of Two Gardens:
In this story Allah also explaining two eyes..

Allah mentioned story of two men
Quran Kahf 31
one of them We provided two gardens of grapevines and surrounded them with date-palms: in between the two We placed corn-field

Kahf 33-34
And he possessed much wealth; so he said to his companion, while he disputed with him:I have greater wealth than you, and am mightier in followers.
And he entered his garden while he was unjust to himself. He said: I DONT THINK THAT THIS WILL EVER PERISH

Second man said :
Kahf 39
If you see me less than you in wealth, and children. "It may be that my Lord will give me something better than your garden,and will send on it torment/ bolt from the sky, then it will be a slippery earth.

When he enter garden he saw that

Kahf 41
So his fruits (and enjoyment) were destroyed, and he remained twisting and turning his hands over what he had spent on his property, which had (now) tumbled to pieces to its very foundations, and he could only say, "Woe is me! Would I had never ascribed partners to my Lord and Cherisher!
Nor had he numbers to help him against Allah, nor was he able to deliver himself.

Moral of this story is that the first person was the believer of material his emaan was on material ( on his garden and followers) and was thinking that it can never be destroyed , he made it by his own effort God didn’t gave him this because its internal eye was closed.
If we give interview somewhere and get the job, we say that our performance in interview was so good. we are so intelligent and clever and we got selected because of our great answers (means God did nothing) but when get fired from a job we start crying that ‘Haii mere kismat he kharab thi’
Giver and taker is only Allah. If God don't will all of your performance , talent ,efforts will be in vain . If he wills he will give you out of nothing.Giving and taking both are test

Quran Fajr 14-16
Indeed, your Lord is in observation.
And as for man, when his Lord tries him and [thus] is generous to him and favors him, he says, "My Lord has honored me."
But when He tries him and restricts his provision, he says, "My Lord has humiliated me."
When ALLAH tries by giving something we start considering it great NAIMAT on us coz of our greatness and forget that it is test and when Allah test by restricting we start crying and in reality both are test

3) Musa(AS) and Khidr(AS)
Its a long story it also talk about Two Eyes

Khizar A.S was executing order of Allah while Moosa A.S was questioning about those things which are APPARENTLY very bad but in reality these were good. And Khizer A.S told the hikmat behind them later. Appearance and reality of things are different.

Like the appearance and reality of Democracy and secularism is different. With one eye you cannot see it.

Tu Ne Kya Dekha Naheen Maghrib Ka Jamhoori Nizaam?
Chehra Roshan, Androon Changez Se Tareek Tar

1) The People Of The Cave

Its the story of young men who lived in a disbelieving town, so they decided to migrate for the sake of Allah and run away. It shows coming time for muslims is going to be very very tough and those who still want to live as believers they might have to migrate towards villages for saving their emaan and muslims should keep that option open. When they feel that keeping emaan, morals, values have become impossible then they should migrate towards villages.

4) Dhul-Qarnayn

Then Allah gave an example of just ruler who will fill the earth with justice that can be compared with return of Essa (a.s). That story also talks about opening your internal eye . It needs explanation which will be explained some other time Inshallah

and last but not the least Surah Kahf says

Quran Kahf
23. And never say of anything, "Indeed, I will do that tomorrow
24. Except [when adding], "If Allah wills." And remember your Lord when you forget [it] and say, "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to what is nearer than this to right conduct."

Iqbal says something very relevant

Dunyaa ko hay phir ma'arka-e-Rooh-O-Badan paish
Tehzeeb nay 'phir' apnay DARINDOUN ko ubhaaraa!
ROOH=Spirituality/Internal Eye

ALLAH ko paa mardi-e-Momin pay bharossaa
Ibless ko europe kee machinouN ka sahaara!

Has dajjal come?
YES. his system has come and his system has been spread everywhere and has become unbeatable and as a person he will appear when power will be shifted from USA to ISRAEL

What is meant by ONE EYED Dajjal?
He will be the follower of material and his internal eye will be closed

What’s his agenda?
His agenda is fulfilling desires and spreading godlessness rejecting God in social ,economic and political affairs means in every affair God has to do nothing. Religion is useless.Follow desires and he is using desires and exploiting it.

If he has come, are we all following Dajjal?
We have to check ourself how much our believe is on material believe on material is more than God?If yes it means you are one of the follower of dajjal

How we can save ourself?
By opening our eyes and try to see things spiritually Dajjal follower will call you ignorant , fool,talking non sense,conservative

"Key Akbar naam laita ha Khuda ka ess Zamanay main"

Quran 5 54
they strive in the cause of Allah and do not fear the blame of a critic. That is the favor of Allah; He bestows it upon whom He wills.